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A member registered Oct 20, 2017

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(1 edit)

Nostálgico por lost media que no sabía que existía. Muy liminal, muy cutesy. Mencanta.

I need more games like this on the switch.

Will patiently wait, don't rush it hun.

Release when? owo

I have the weirdest adrenaline boner rn. 10/10

It's all good dude, i loved it. Can't wait for the full release.

I absolutely loved it. ONE MINOR COMPLAIN THO, the game slows down exclusively on the last stage, the castle, and exclusively during the areas filled with lava. Everything else is on point.

It might benefit from a blueshell item.

Got this for switch and I absolutely love it. I'm looking forward to see what else can you bring c;

It's my go-to controller as of now. Given, I'm only playing platformers and retro inspired metroidvanias, but still. Oh, I actually played a bit of Halo on it and it's super slick.

Also: Loved the game, I'm curious to see what else y'all can cook up OwO

Check the install folder man ;D

Just in case anyone's wondering:

The 8BITDO SN30 Pro works without any problem whatsoever~

It do be like that sometimes